Year 6 Transition FAQs

We are visiting our pyramid primary schools in 2023/24 and chatting to Year 6 pupils about their transition to Kettlethorpe High School. This page holds answers to questions that are most commonly asked by Year 6 pupils and their parents.

Yes, Year 6 pupils will visit Kettlethorpe High School and take part in the Induction Day on Thursday 4th July. We are really looking forward to it.

We collect information from your primary schools and ask them to recommend learning partners. These are peers that work well together to bring out the best in each other. We do not take requests to be with friends as this is a great opportunity to meet new people, and as a school we have found this to be a very successful approach.

You will be able to enter through the main gate at the front of school or the side gate on Kettlethorpe Hall Drive. There will be plenty of lovely staff and helpers to show you where to go and lots of signs to make sure you get the right place. You will be directed onto the KS3 playground where you will see a sign with your tutor group on, for example 7K1, and then line up in alphabetical order with your tutor group and your form tutors. Everyone is really friendly and helpful!

You should arrive at school about 8.30am and be in your tutor room for 8.40. One day a week you will have assembly.

The school day finishes a 3.05 where you will make your own way home, or stay for an afterschool club. These are on offer every-day and will be confirmed at the start of the academic year.

Yes, Kettlethorpe has a specific school uniform and uniform policy to follow making each of you part of the Kettlethorpe High School community. More information can be found in the parent/carer document or under the uniform section on the website.

No need to worry about getting lost, you won’t really be lost, but at some point you may be unsure where your classroom is, you don’t need to panic. All our teachers and pupils are really helpful, all you need to do is ask, and someone will point you in the right direction or often, walk you to lesson. Most of our building is in a square shape across two floors with a one-way system, and all the classroom doors are clearly labelled. You will additionally have a tour of the school and be provided with a map on your first day.

This may be different every week. Any of your subjects can set homework, including practical subjects like PE, DT and drama. To make sure you keep on top of your homework, you will be given a school planner where you can write everything down and the day or date it is due in. It is definitely best to do your homework the night you get it, then you know it has been completed and you won’t forget to do it.

Each week you will be set reading homework and Sparx from English, hopefully this is something you are already doing. In maths, Sparx homework will be set weekly, this will be explained to you during your lessons in September.

Year 7 spend break and lunch time on the top playground outside reception, you have chance to socialise with friends, eat lunch or snacks, read and sit on the benches. There are also lunch time clubs, 3G football, the library and the food canteens to go to.

At Kettlethorpe we offer a wide variety of opportunities, in lots of different subjects. A few examples are science club, choir, music and drama clubs, art club, homework club, PE clubs like football, rugby and netball.

There are plenty of clubs to do during lunch time and after school every day. We love everyone to try something new, you can go to as many as you like. It is also a great way of meeting new people and making friends. When you start at Kettlethorpe High School, there will be an extra-curricular timetable outlining all the activities on offer.

At Kettlethorpe High School the Year 7 motto is Be the best you can be.

At Kettlethorpe teachers will reward positive behaviour, good work, correct uniform, helpfulness by giving you positive points on Class Charts.

At the end of the year some pupils will be invited to participate in the End of Year rewards afternoon. This will be held on the field with pizza, ice cream and bouncy castles!

If your child was unsuccessful in their application to Kettlethorpe High School, there is an appeals process to follow in the Local Authority website.

The uniform requirements can be found here.

The school uniform shop will be open over the summer holidays. We will publish the opening times of this closer to the end of the summer term.

Each day, pupils will be required to have a blue or black pen, pencil, rubber, ruler and calculator. We advise coloured pencils and a sharpener would be useful. Additionally, pupils will be provided with a school planner and knowledge organiser. A strong and sturdy school bag will be needed to carry equipment and school books for the day. We do not provide lockers. Equipment checks will be done daily during registration; it would be a good idea to practice being organised with all the equipment you need.

We are working hard to ensure each individual has a settled and positive start to their journey at Kettlethorpe High School. Our SEND team work closely with primary schools and families to ensure the necessary support is in place.

If your child has a special educational need that you would like to discuss further, please feel free to contact our SENCO, Mrs Bennett.