Art and Design

Team Leader: Ms K. Sankey –
All pupils will study art in Year 7 and 8 and many then choose to study one of the following: Art and Design (Fine Art) GCSE, Art and Design (Textile Design) GCSE or Art and Design (Graphic Communication) GCSE.
Art and Design is a practical and creative subject that aims to develop the fine art skills of pupils alongside building their knowledge of different artists’ works.
Pupils learn to produce portfolios of work that aim to demonstrate:
- Varied use of different medium and media
- Independent and creative ideas presented showing thought processes
- Show understanding of how artists’ work has influenced their own work.
- Pupils learn basic drawing and painting skills and techniques.
- They are encouraged to develop these skills in producing pieces of work that reflect their understanding of the world around them.
- Pupils are encouraged to build upon these basic skills and develop them using sculpture, Photoshop and other medium that suit the final outcome.