Modern Languages

Pupils in a French lesson

Team Leader: Mr A Wardley –

Our department aims to deliver quality teaching and learning for all pupils studying French and Spanish. We have high expectations of our learners and value both their achievement and enjoyment in Modern Foreign Languages. Our goal is to create successful independent language learners with a wider view of the world ready to make valuable contributions to the global community.

All pupils study either French or Spanish from Year 7 and continue this language through to GCSE.

The MFL Department endeavours to:

  • develop pupils’ linguistic skills and knowledge through the three key pillars of language learning: phonics, vocabulary and grammar
  • draw upon a blended pedagogical approach from both extensive processing instruction and a more traditional grammar/ translation approach
  • enable pupils to understand written/spoken Spanish and/or French and give them access to authentic experiences
  • give pupils the confidence to take part in conversations on a variety of topics and in a variety of situations in the target language through role-play, discussion and presentation
  • teach the skills to write for a variety of purposes in the target language
  • provide pupils with useful translation tools for both real life situations and academic situations
  • give pupils an understanding of the cultures of the Spanish and French-speaking world
  • inspire pupils to go on to study languages after they leave school and use their skills to learn new languages

Curriculum Overview