Free School Meals and Pupil Premium

If you have a low income, you can find out more about Free School Meals including how to claim on the Wakefield Council pages. We have a cashless catering system and when a child is eligible for free school meals the money is added to their account automatically each day and can be spent in the normal way.

Kettlethorpe High School receives additional funding every year for pupils who are entitled to free school meals. This money is called the Pupil Premium. We use this funding to help eligible pupils to overcome barriers to learning.

Some eligible pupils do not require additional support in order to be successful, others may require significant support to help them engage with school. We identify needs on an individual basis and do everything we can to support the children that need our help. If your child is eligible for free school meals and you want to discuss additional support needs that your child has then please email

We encourage all eligible parents/carers to apply for free school meals so that we can offer the best possible support for your child.

You can find out more about our Pupil Premium strategy on the Pupil Premium section of the website.