Richer Reading
See a one-page explainer of what our flagship Richer Reading Programme is all about here:
Below, you will see the variety of texts that all pupils will have the opportunity to read and appreciate throughout their time at Kettlethorpe High School each linking to the different category of ‘must read’ stories as selected by the school:
English Curriculum
Click the link here to see how the English Curriculum supports and develops pupils’ reading.
English at Kettlethorpe High School
Wave 1 Teaching (Quality First Teaching)
All teachers and support staff at Kettlethorpe High School are trained in different strategies to introduce, develop, support and challenge pupils with improving their reading. Each subject area will exploit a variety of different text types across the fiction and non-fiction spectrum. Research clearly shows that the ‘disciplinary approach’ (where subjects develop specific reading and writing skills required in each subject) is one of the most positively impactful ways of helping pupils improve their reading and writing knowledge and skills.