Coronavirus statement: 27 March

Thank you for your continued support, patience and encouragement for the work of the school over a challenging few days. A lot has taken place and considerable thought has gone into planning for next week and well beyond.
In our letter to you on 19 March, we talked about a three-phase approach with Phase 1 being up to the Easter break.
The system used by families to book places for their children in school has worked well. This will be done each week, and families need to continue to book their children in.
We are aware families have questions in relation to the work being provided on the school’s VLE as well as wanting support on other issues.

From Monday, in addition to the current email contacts, the school website will have year group specific email contacts. These will be monitored by teams of staff, who will be able to forward enquiries onto other staff/subject leaders.
These email contacts are:


There is a wealth of learning resources on the school’s VLE. Some of this work is generic and some class/year group specific. Passwords and logins for pupils are exactly the same as they are for pupils accessing the school network when in school.
Forgotten passwords/usernames can be reset through this link; there is a red button at the bottom of the page that will get you support from our IT support team.
We are aware that some families have limited access to the school’s VLE or ICT platforms. Paper copied work is available, if required. Please contact school and arrangements will be made for work to be collected/posted.

Free School Meals
School has been informed that a national meals voucher system is soon to be introduced. Until we have more details, meals can be collected from school or will be delivered by staff from school. We will look to support meal offers over the Easter break. Do please contact school if you have any concerns regarding meals etc.

Phase 2 of our planning concerns covering the Easter holiday period. The school will be open to support the hosting of children of key workers for the holiday period with the exception of not being open on the two bank holidays; Friday 10 and Monday 13 April.
Lunches, as now, will be arranged for those in attendance and on Free School Meals.

Phase 3 concerns our return after the Easter break. Staff will look to further develop how best to update and deliver work for pupils through our VLE. We will also look to provide feedback and build on the current approaches when pupils have sent in their work for comment and review.
In addition, we will also endeavour to contact, by phone, all families for an update and well-being conversation. This will be done on rotation with our more vulnerable pupils being contacted first. The person phoning will introduce themselves by name and explain they are from the school.

Year 11
Advice to our Year 11 pupils is to continue with their studies and ensure you keep your minds sharp. Access the VLE and plan ahead for your future courses. There will be some PiXL related work on the website from Monday.
The examination boards plan to provide us with an update on how your grades will be set. At this point, no matter what you may have heard, schools will not be allowed to use work produced by you since schools closed nationally from Friday 20 March. We do expect that post-16 providers will undertake their own assessments of your ability on arrival in September. This may be in the form of internal tests and examinations. Be sure you are well fully prepared here!
Can we ask you not to contact the school directly about your Year 11 GCSE grades. We will communicate when we have the full details from Ofqual, the examinations regulatory body.

Year 8 pupils do please complete your subject option choices – your parents can fill in a form on Edulink.

For our Year 6 families, we intend to produce a short video to support your child’s transition from primary school. At this stage, do not worry about uniforms etc. Mrs Shute and Ms Hudson-Frost will respond to any questions. Do please use the email address:

As we have worked through the last week in school and from home, we have learnt a lot. In order to further prevent the spread of COVID-19, we are significantly reducing the number of adults who are in school on a daily basis.

Do please continue to communicate with us so that we can continue to work as a learning community, together, in dealing with the current global issue.
Best wishes for the weekend.

Yours sincerely
T Griffiths