Curriculum Overview – Maths
How to support pupil learning:
Ensuring that your child has the correct equipment (pen, pencil, ruler and scientific calculator) with them at all times and checking that their weekly homework is complete will help them access the work and remove barriers to learning.
Edexcel Linear Revision Guides are available to order in the department.
ICT and Web based resources: the Mathematics pages on the school VLE provide a range of resources linked to the scheme of work to support pupils’ home learning. These include powerpoints, Maths watch video clips and additional worksheets.
We subscribe to the Sparx Maths website which contains a vast wealth of resources to support learning at all levels.
The department also recommends the following sites:
PiXL Maths App (KS4)
Kangaroo Maths
Maths is fun
BBC Bitesize for KS3
BBC Bitesize for GSCE Maths