Introduction to the Process

At Kettlethorpe High School, we are proud of our broad and balanced Key Stage 3 offer. We are pleased to be able to allow students to study and experience and broad variety of subjects which will give them the powerful knowledge and skills to not only thrive in each discipline in its own right, but to lay the foundations for as many Key Stage 4 options as possible.

At Kettlethorpe, we believe that students, alongside their parents/carers and adults in school should be allowed the responsibility of choice in their Key Stage 4 programme of study.

The term ‘Guided Destinations’ will replace ‘Options’ and ‘Choices.’ We recognise that students will need a more holistic and long-term view as to how their qualifications and subjects studied at Key Stage 4 amount to more than just a list of different subjects/ options. Instead, we want to promote future-thinking and a more in-depth understanding for students as to how their curriculum will unlock as many future doors as possible; regardless of what future path a student may choose, our guidance to students in choosing the most suitable KS4 curriculum for them will be vital.

Please look over the information on this section of the website as it contains all the information you should need about the process and what you can expect and when.

Let the exciting next step, begin!

Mr C Bruce-Halliwell

Assistant Headteacher: Curriculum and Innovation

Our Guided Destinations process will consist of the following:

  • Introductory assemblies
  • Dedicated tutor sessions in IT suites researching and understanding possible future pathways and what the different subjects offered at Key Stage 4 enable pupils to pursue
  • Guided Destinations; ‘Links to Life’ Exhibition – linking curriculum with future training, education and employment opportunities
  • In-lesson opportunities for teachers to showcase what Key Stage 4 study looks like in their areas. For new subjects at Key Stage 4, students will receive detailed information on these through a variety of information booklets and presentations.
  • Senior Leader 1:1 interviews – all pupils will receive individual, personalised guidance on their proposed qualifications for study at KS4
  • Guided Destinations Parent/Carer Information Evening
  • KS3 to KS4 Summer Term Transition Days


The Guided Destinations process for students will start at the end of January in Year 8 and all students will have made and confirmed their Key Stage 4 curriculum by Easter of Year 8. Students will receive confirmation of their curriculum by the end of the summer term of Year 8 ready for starting Key Stage 4 in September of Year 9.


Aspirational and Supportive Process

We encourage students to consider their Key Stage 4 choices within the following three main routes as they work towards post-16 progression because we believe that framing each individual student’s choices within a wider package is essential in concentrating each student’s mind as to their future goals:

EBacc Route

Excel Route

Achieve Route

*N.b. some subjects may not run due to timetable constraints or lack of demand. We always endeavour to give pupils their first choices.

We appreciate that each student will have individual needs, hopes and aspirations for the future. No one cohort is prioritised in importance over the other. Each cohort as equal validity and importance with the number one priority of the ‘Guided Destinations’ process being that students are supported to make the correct choices for their own next steps.

Guidance and Support for Students and Families

Guided Destinations Student Information Booklet

Links to Life: Key Stage 4 and Post-16 Transition

Top Tips and FAQs